
How Long Will It Take for My Personal Injury Case to Settle?

lawyer shaking hand with man using a crutch

Many of our clients want to know, “how long does a personal injury case take to settle?” There are various factors that determine whether a case can be settled in a matter of months or even years. Some things to consider include a client’s decision to accept or reject an offer, the insurance company, and the insurance company’s lawyers.

Proner & Proner has represented personal injury victims for more than 30 years, advocating for the rights of those people who have been seriously injured. Our New York personal injury attorneys are sensitive to our clients’ needs while aggressively holding liable parties accountable for their actions.

What Factors Impact How Long a Personal Injury Claim Takes to Settle?


Medical Treatment

The client affects the duration of a personal injury lawsuit by the length of medical treatment and his or her decision either to settle or to take a risk on a higher recovery resulting from a trial. The length of treatment is important because normally a case should not be settled until the patient has received the maximum benefit of post accident treatment and a long term prognosis for the injury is possible. A doctor must be able to state the extent of the injury’s permanency. As long as a doctor can state the patient’s needs within a reasonable degree of medical certainty, the patient is entitled to money for damages and medical bills for treatment that he or she may need in the future. Therefore, you may be giving up a lot of money that you may need in the future if you settle personal injury lawsuits before a doctor can determine which injuries are permanent. Once a case is settled, it cannot be opened up again.

Client Decisions

Whether a case being handled by our New York City personal injury lawyers settles or not is always up to the client. Any offer that is received on a client’s case is always given to the client to accept or reject. We advise the client as to whether the offer is fair, inadequate, or more than the case is worth. We always strive to get our clients more than the case is worth. Since we work for a contingency fee which is a standard percentage of the net settlement, a higher settlement means that more money goes into our clients’ pockets. A fast settlement benefits us as well as our clients, and consequently, we strive to negotiate good settlements as quickly as possible.

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New York Personal Injury Lawyers at Proner & Proner Will Fight For You


Sometimes, however, despite all our arguments, legal motions, correspondence, investigations, and court appearances, the insurance carrier does not offer an adequate amount for settlement. On these occasions our personal injury attorneys are prepared to go to trial. Naturally the further along a case goes in litigation, the longer we have to deal with the back log in the courts, and the more time a case will take. It is always up to the client to choose to go to trial or to accept any amount offered. We are there every step of the way to help our clients make the right decision. 

Cases that settle without litigation usually do so within six months to a year and a half. With litigation, a case can last approximately two to five years. Larger cases usually take longer. Insurance carriers usually won’t give up hundreds of thousands of dollars without a fight. Also, the insurance companies are allowed to draw interest on the money during the fight so they, unlike us, have it in their best interest to cause a delay. We try everything possible to avoid such delays. Usually, we succeed at getting our clients the money they so greatly deserve and need in a timely manner.

Lastly, the insurance carrier’s lawyers can have a delaying effect on personal injury lawsuits. The lawyers of Proner & Proner in Manhattan have been litigating for more than 40 years and most judges and defense firms know our reputation of excellence. From our New York office, we provide personal injury litigation for victims nationwide. Nonetheless, occasionally other firms will engage in motion practice that will delay a case needlessly. Sometimes even getting a simple order from a judge, will delay a case to our clients’ unfortunate frustration. Fortunately, this is unusual. Normally personal injury lawsuits move quickly to good settlements, keeping our clients satisfied with our practice and the legal system.


mitchell proner and his team in an office with a book case in the background

Schedule a Free Consultation with Personal Injury Attorneys at Proner & Proner


At Proner & Proner, we make the hiring process easy. Simply schedule a free case evaluation. We will review the merits of your case and walk you through the remaining steps. It is important that we get started on your case as soon as possible to beat the statute of limitations. 

  • Call us 24/7 at (212) 986-3030.
  • Chat with us online
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  • Write to us through our social media networks

We are ready to fight for you!

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