What is Uninsured Motorist Coverage?

two people talking about insurance claim

It is required by law for car owners and those who lease vehicles to carry a minimum amount of insurance for the vehicle. This insurance is considered liability coverage that helps when a car accident causes personal injury or property damage. Additional insurance coverage offered by auto insurers in New York is that of uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. This coverage protects you from drivers who might be operating without insurance or who might not have enough coverage for the injuries or damage caused by an accident.

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Why New York Motorcyclists Should Purchase This Coverage

If you own a motorcycle, it’s even more important to purchase uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. Why is this coverage so important? For starters, it may help pay for the medical bills you will incur as the result of a motorcycle accident caused by a driver without insurance or without enough insurance, if you don’t have your own health insurance. You will discover in the moments following an accident if the at-fault driver doesn’t have insurance when you go to exchange information and they have nothing to offer. Sometimes they will still have an insurance card but later find out the insurance was canceled because they didn’t pay the premiums. Of course the driver won’t show you or the police the cancellation notice. Once you discover the lack of insurance you will need to make a claim against this coverage you purchased for yourself.

It’s not always easy to do but you could file a lawsuit against the person without car insurance. This is difficult to do if the person does not have a lot of assets to their name, which is most often the case when you are involved in an accident with someone who does not have auto insurance. They likely did not purchase it because they could not afford it. If you come across someone without insurance who has a lot of assets, it’s a smart idea to file a lawsuit against them for damages.

At the same time, there are instances where drivers have insurance but it simply isn’t enough to cover your injuries or damage to your motorcycle, which might have been totaled in the crash. This is another instance where you will need to file a claim against the underinsured portion of the policy in your name. This claim will help you fill the gaps that are left after some of the insurance from the at-fault driver is paid to you for medical bills and property damage.

The Dangers Of A Motorcycle Accident In Brooklyn, NY

As you very well know, owning a motorcycle can be dangerous. There’s no protection for the rider from the elements, other vehicles, the road and animals. You need to be very cautious when riding a motorcycle so as not to find yourself in a precarious situation. When you are involved in an accident caused by another driver, you need to have underinsured and uninsured coverage because of these added dangers of not having any protection from the elements. This insurance will help pay for your medical bills and the repair costs for fixing the motorcycle. If the motorcycle is totaled, you might be able to make a claim as such and recover the money necessary to replace the motorcycle.

Contact A New York City Personal Injury Lawyer To Discuss Your Motorcycle Accident Case In New York

Did you or a loved one sustain serious injuries due to a motorcycle accident in New York? Don’t let the medical bills pile up while you wait for the negligent party, or their insurance company, to do the right thing. Right now, you need an aggressive personal injury attorney on your side and fighting to get you the compensation you need, want, and deserve. The skilled attorneys at Proner & Proner represent clients injured because of motorcycle accidents in New York City, Staten Island, Queens, Brooklyn, and throughout New York. Call (212) 500-1003 or email us to schedule a free consultation about your case.

The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.

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